Desktop App

To install the app on your computer follow the instructions in Installation chapter.

In the menu, you can find the following categories:

Haptic Library

  • 24 haptics in 4 categories:

Controllers, imitations of buttons, sliders, knobs, or even a magic wand.
Feedback, haptic sensations that make interface notifications more attractive.
Textures, tactile illusions during interaction, based on the external, visual properties of the object.
Environment, sensations such as a splash of water, the buzzing of a bee, the crackling fire.

  • 11 gestures
    Swipe ←,↑,→,↓,
    Turn ←,→,
    Push, pull,
    Tap, Double tap, Pinch.

Control Panel

In Control Panel you can connect a new device or manage your currently saved devices.

Connecting a new device

  1. In HapxLab, go to Control Panel and click Scan for a new device
  2. Click Search for a new device
  3. Select a Hapling and the connect button will appear, click it
  4. Hapling should vibrate, and you should see battery and range status if the connection was established
  5. By clicking Next you continue to the Setup phase
  6. Click the bell-shaped icon to check if the ring vibrates, then click Next
  7. Try to Swipe Right in front of you, to check the gesture recognition feature
  8. By clicking Save you advance to naming your device
  9. Pick a name you like and Save it. You are all set up.

Rename Device

  1. In HapxLab, in the Control Panel click Devices
  2. Make sure that the device that you want to rename is currently connected
  1. Click on rename
  2. Pick a new name you like and Save it. You are all set up.

Forget Device

  1. To forget the device make sure that it is disconnected from HapxLab
  2. In HapxLab, in the Control Panel click Devices
  3. Click on Forget below the chosen device
  4. Confirm that you want to forget this device

Saved Devices

You can connect to the previously added device. Make sure it's turned on.

  1. In HapxLab, in the Control Panel click Devices
  2. Click on Check ring availability at the top of the window
  3. If the ring is turned on and connection is possible, a new button connect should appear below it
  1. Click on Connect below the chosen device